Thursday 26 April 2012

Symptoms and Signs of Mesothelioma

Mesothelioma is a very rare kind of cancer usually remains undiagnosed at early stage. The reason is that at the beginning the symptoms are so slight it goes unnoticed. Moreover in some of the cases there are not a single clinical signs or symptoms of this disease. Hence the scenario becomes more dangerous, it is really essential to take a medical help at your earliest.

The factor of ‘Time’ is of the essence in Mesothelioma-The longer you go without diagnose and intervention, the more you are giving chance to the cancer to develop and also to spread out in other parts of the body.

When we are talking about the Latency period of Mesothelioma, this disease can develop just after the recent exposure of asbestos or it can take many years to develop. So, it is quite uncertain and it varies person –to- person. If you know you have been exposed to asbestos you should do your medical check ups on regular basis so that medical screening can be done. Therefore at early stage doctors can diagnose Mesothelioma then intervention started at soonest before the cancer develops and to you can get cure from this disease.

The very first symptom of mesothelioma can be seen is dyspnea or in other words shortness of breath (SOB). It is usually followed by the comfortless feeling in the chest. Ninety percent of patients have these symptoms. These symptoms are so subtle and vague usually patients don’t go for seeking a medical advice and no prompt diagnose is being done.

The shortness of breath and comfortless feeling in the chest are occurring due to pleural effusion. Pleural effusion is basically is a upsurge of fluid inside the lungs that make it more hard to bring the required oxygen into the body. If you are experiencing these two symptoms, you have to see your doctor immediately.

To get a prompt and accurate diagnose from your doctor don’t overlooked these symptoms or signs like shortness of breath and heaviness inside the chest particularly when you have been exposed by asbestos.

Now these were the early symptoms of Mesothelioma cancer, but what are the warning signs? The unfortunate point in this disease its prominent symptoms shown after 15 – 50 years. It may take decades to develop cancer in the body and symptoms will not show until the cancer is there.

In pleural mesothelioma (affect the lining of lungs) the symptoms are pain in the chest, shortness of breath, painful coughing, weight loss and abnormal lumps of tissue under the skin on your chest.

In peritoneal mesothelioma (affect the lining of abdomen) the symptoms are pain in abdomen, swelling in abdomen, weight loss and abnormal lumps of tissue in the abdomen.

Other than these types the symptoms are usually quite vague. In pericardial mesothelioma (affects the lining of heart) the symptoms are pain in chest and difficulty in breathing.  While in tunica vaginalis (affects the lining of testicles) a lump or swelling can be observed.

If any constant symptoms and signs seem strange to you or troublesome to you then go see the doctor right away. Just don’t ignore these symptoms!

Monday 23 April 2012

Causes of Mesothelioma

After reading the first post you must be wondering what actually the cause for this disease.
The answer is ‘Asbestos’. Yes, asbestos is the main cause of mesothelioma! The use of asbestos in numerous professions is to be more at risk for this disease.

There are number of people who are at risk in which Auto mechanics, construction workers, railroad workers, building engineers, navy sailors, and shipyard employees are the most prominent one.The people working in these occupations are exposed to asbestos and due to this have become the victim of this disease called ‘Mesothelioma’. An unusual fact is that with much smaller exposure to asbestos there are number of cases recorded of asbestos disease and mesothelioma. For sure, there is no intensity of exposure of asbestos which is considered to be safe. A person may be exposed to asbestos only once, or for a short interval of time, can still develop the mesothelioma cancer. Similarly, a person could work around materials which contain asbestos for years and remain completely healthy well into old age. There is simply no way to guess who will develop the disease and who will not.
 Moreover there are cases that also include the families of workers which are related to these professions and also those who lived in close proximity of asbestos manufacturing plants. Moreover when a child or spouse who hugs that worker a spouse or child who embraces or hugs that worker, or who cleans their clothes from work, may be exposed to a considerable large amount of asbestos fibers eventually.

Inside the body the presence of asbestos fibers cannot be processed. When taking a breath these fibers harm the mesothelial cells in the peritoneum or pleura. Not only that the asbestos fibers can damage the DNA due to its tininess. The damaged cells can cause mesothelioma or lung cancer.
Since exposure to asbestos is the main cause of mesothelioma, so it is very essential you to know how you can come in contact with asbestos. Asbestos is actually found not only in industrial applications but it is also present in household items. Some of these are fire proofing materials, toasters, hair dryers, coffee pots, chalkboards, baby powders, spackling compounds, caulk, valves, pumps, turbines, boilers, insulating pads and blankets, floor tiles, siding, roofing shingles, putties, pipe insulation and covering, paint, cement pipe, electrical wire, packing, gaskets, joint compounds, HVAC duct insulation, attic insulation, plaster, clutches, brakes and others.

It is known to you and me that asbestos is very popular in home appliances and industrial applications due to its ability to resists heat, flexibility to be woven and capacity to insulate. But now the use of asbestos is limited but still it is imported from other countries which are present in different products.

I want to share with you an unfortunate fact which is that almost every person is at risk for developing mesothelioma, merely for the reason that of the extensive use of asbestos in the past, the fact is that asbestos particulate can move great distances on hair, clothes or even air currents, and the fact that the mesothelioma has a long latency period. One occasion of exposure to asbestos, even if it occurred years ago, may still result in a diagnosis of mesothelioma in the future. If you know that you have been exposed to asbestos on an ongoing basis or regular. However, it's important to let your physician know, that so you can begin the testing procedures for mesothelioma.

Wednesday 18 April 2012


An aggressive cancer affecting the internal organs often really hard to diagnose!
A little History of the disease! In the late 18th century, the tumors of the mesothelioma were first discovered. But it was analyzed and examined in detail in the middle of 20th century.
What Actually Is Mesothelioma (me-zoe-thee-lee-OH-muh)? Mesothelioma (cancerous tumor) is a rare type of cancer which affects the mesothelium—the membranes which line the chest and abdominal cavities, and cover the lungs, heart and abdomen. This protective lining produces a lubricating fluid, which allows the organ to move against one another without friction as the body moves. Mesothelium cells are found in the lining of a number of vital internal organs of the body, like the stomach and heart. In other words within the body the cavities which surround the chest, abdomen and heart by a membrane of cells called the mesothelioma. The mesothelioma cells are usually present in the organs which are commonly related to organs in motion like muscular contraction and expansion of lungs, heart or stomach. When cancer penetrates this part of body, it can be very destructive.
It is very hard for doctors to make a correct diagnosis for the mesothelioma as it usually presents with indications that imitate other common bodily disorders. In other words prognosis is very poor.

Mesothelioma may occur in many different parts of the body because the body is composed of numerous mesothelium cells that divide constantly. Each year in United States about 2,000 new cases are diagnosed but its rate is increasing in other parts of the world. In between 1970 and 1980 a number of cases were recorded of this disease then it aggravated due to the more industrial exposure, military industry and Navy shipyards.

The mesothelium cells in chest are called pleura, in abdomen these called peritoneum and in cardiac cavity are called the pericardium.

Some very common types of Mesothelioma which are observed are further discussed below.
How many types of Mesothelioma according to area of the body? Mesothelioma is of three types according to area of the body:

 Pleural mesothelioma is the most common type of mesothelioma which starts from the lining of lungs also known as pleural or pleura membrane. About 70 – 80% cases are diagnosed with this type. The pleura consist of two layers, which provide protection and support for the chest cavity and lungs. Typically Pleural mesothelioma develops in one layer, but it can also spread to the other layer too. Furthermore when the cells of pleural becomes cancerous, they begin to split continuously, actually cutting down the capacity of lungs and in between layers of pleural it will buildup fluid. The symptoms of Pleural mesothelioma are usually constant dry or raspy cough, hemoptysis (coughing up blood), dysphagia (trouble in swallowing) , dyspnea (shortness of breath that occurs even when at rest), constant pain in the rib or chest area, or difficulty in breathing, growth of lumps under the skin on the chest, Night sweats or fever, loss of weight and Fatigue.

Peritoneal mesothelioma starts from the lining of the abdominal cavity. It is the rare type of mesothelioma.
About 10 - 20% cases are diagnosed with this type. In United States about 200-500 cases are being reported. In this type misdiagnosis is also very common due to imitative stomach discomfort and hernia. The peritoneum consists of two parts, the visceral and parietal peritoneum. The visceral layer makes the most of the outermost layer of intestinal tract and it also protects the internal organs. The parietal peritoneum covers the abdominal cavity. The symptoms of peritoneal mesothelioma are ascites (abnormal collection of fluid), swelling or pain in abdomen, loss of weight, obstruction of bowel, anemia (reduction of red blood cells), and fever.

Pericardial mesothelioma is the rarest type of mesothelioma starts from the lining of the heart (pericardium).It occurs 1 - 6 % of mesotheliomas. Only 200 cases are documented up till now worldwide. This cancer develops in the pericardium. The pericardium consists of two layers the outer layer is parietal layer (theca cordis or heart sac), and an inner layer is visceral layer (also known as the epicardium). The parietal layer covers the entire chest cavity while the visceral layer lines only the heart. The symptoms of pericardial mesothelioma are arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat), pain in chest, murmurs, cough, dyspnea (difficulty in breathing), Orthopnea (dyspnea which occurs while lying down), fatigue, night sweats and fever.

A very much uncommon type of mesothelioma is Testicular mesothelioma also called tunica vaginalis. It is so rare that about less than 100 cases are recorded until now. It starts from the lining of tunica vaginalis – it is a lining that protects and surrounds the reproductive organ inside the scrotum. Due to extremely rareness of Testicular mesothelioma there is no recognized symptoms related to Testicular mesothelioma yet. In few diagnosed cases this type of cancer is related with scrotal swelling and lumps on testicles. It is quite impossible to diagnose this type of mesothelioma until swelling or lumps appear.

How many types of Mesothelioma according to cell type of the tumor? There are mainly three types of mesothelioma found in terms of the cell type of the tumor:

  • Epitheliod
  • Sarcomatiod
  • Mixed/biphasic

Epitheliod (Epithelial mesothelioma) 

It is the most common type, it occurs in about 50 - 70% cases. This cancer occurs in the epithelial cells within the lining surrounding the internal organs.

Sarcomatiod (Sarcomatous mesothelioma) 


This cancerous tumor occurs in the mesothelial lining or in the fibrous tissues. This type is found in 7 – 20% of cases.


This originates when a mix of both epithelial and sarcomatous involvement is found. About 20 – 35% cases, are found with mixed/biphasic mesothelioma.