Tuesday 8 May 2012

Stages of Mesothelioma

When we are talking about the stages of Mesothelioma, it means that these are the evaluation levels which doctors use to find out that how much the cancer extent inside the body. The stages of Mesothelioma are from 1 to 4 according to severeness. For instance, when we are talking about stage 1 mesothelioma is restricted to a particular area and tumor has an impact on a limited area and organ tissues. While when we are talking about another extreme side, the stage 4 at this point mesothelioma is a widespread disease, which has spread far beyond the tumor actually was which has an impact on bone or blood cells and other organ tissues.

The staging categorization only exists for pleural mesothelioma which affects the lining of chest and lungs. At diagnosis the stage of cancer is determined with different testing methods or procedures. By using imaging scans the basic stage can be determine, that provides oncologists a visual representation of how much the tumor is extent inside the body. But if the tests are not conclusive or it appears that the disease is not restricted to small area then doctor advice the patient to go through surgical biopsy through which physicians determine how much the tumor have metastasized to the lymph or blood nodes.

Staging Systems of Mesothelioma


Now, let discuss three primary staging systems of Mesothelioma. These systems are used to determine the development of cancer at all the four stages of cancer.

1.   The most common and the oldest technique or system use is Butchart staging system. This system only focused on the location of cancer, so it determines only where the tumor is present. It does not determine how big is the tumor and how many cancer cells are present within the body.

2.   TNM Staging System determines the characteristics of tumor, also find out lymph nodes is involved or not and whether the cancer is spread to the other area of the body or not.

3.   Brigham Staging System is very much similar to TNM staging system but in addition it also determines the location of tumor along with its characteristics. It also makes sure the involvement of lymph node and find out how much the cancer is spread within the body. This system also helps to evaluate for the effectiveness of surgery at every stage.

As noted above, let us discuss now the four stages.

Stage 1 Mesothelioma 
In this stage tumor is restricted, there is no involvement of lymph and the cancer is not spread in the other tissues or organs. The cancer is localized to one side of pleura and through it can be removed easily.

Stage 2 Mesothelioma
In this stage the tumor is larger and has occupied diaphragm or lungs and there is also the involvement of lymph nodes. The cancer is likely to metastasize to both sides of pleura and surgical intervention may be possible.

Stage 3 Mesothelioma
In this stage, the mesothelioma cancer spread in a single area like esophagus, chest wall or lymph nodes and surgical intervention is usually precluded as a successful treatment.

Stage 4 Mesothelioma
In this stage, the cancer is spread out in numerous areas like pericardium, different regions of chest wall. Involvement of Lymph glands is also there and the cancer is metastasizing to other organs. At this stage the surgery is of no use or value.

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